Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

It would be great tobe able to select an entire chapter to memorize.

It doesn't allow us to do this at this time. You can select each verse, but it doesn't allow you to select an entire chapter.

  • Daniel McDonald
  • Jul 8 2015
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Brock Klein commented
    9 Jul, 2015 06:06pm

    Chris, you're exactly right on both counts. You can also check out this idea for more detail on some ideas we have for helping with long passage memorization.

  • Chris Taylor commented
    9 Jul, 2015 12:31am

    Sorry, my link in the original comment is broken... another try

  • Chris Taylor commented
    9 Jul, 2015 12:30am

    It is possible to select an entire chapter.  To select the entire chapter first chapter of Acts (Acts 1:1-26) do the following:

    1. Tap "Add Passage"
    2. Type in "Acts"
    3. Tap "1" to select the chapter
    4. Tap "1" to select the starting verse
    5. Tap "26" to select the ending verse
    6. Tap the ">" arrow next to the start of the chapter

    You now have the entire chapter as a passage for memorization.

    What I would really like is the verse numbers to show when working with the entire chapter so that it, in addition to memorizing the text, the location can also be committed to memory... It sounds like this may already be planned... assuming I'm reading this correctly.