Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Split Whole Chapters In Bulk

it would be nice to select a whole chapter, and then be able to split the verses in that chapter, so that I’m able to memorize one verse at a time. Currently I have to do this manually, by going in an out each time. There is another app that does this.

  • Guest
  • Feb 11 2023
  • In review
  • Attach files
  • Jeremy Eastburn commented
    13 Feb, 2023 01:19pm

    This is a great idea and could benefit us even when learning any more than 1 verse at a time. For example when learning portions of a Psalm (5-7 verses) it would be so helpful to split up a larger set of verses into a one-verse-at-a-time bite size piece.