Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Allow choosing multiple verses by tapping on first & last verse

For example, right now, if I want to work on memorizing Psalm 23, I navigate to Psalm 23, and then I have to tap verses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, then tap memorize.  But really, it actually seems like we should be able to just tap on the first & last verses, and everything in between should be selected by default.  (Besides, even if I want to memorize just verse 1 and verse 6, Verses will not allow non-consecutive verses to actually be played in a game, so it is not necessary to have the ability to select non-consecutive verses.)


Thanks for your help & for all the great work you do!

  • Guest
  • Feb 18 2016
  • Shipped
  • Feb 29, 2016

    Admin response


    Ah, great idea. I've promoted this to a feature so it's in our development backlog. We're currently pretty full working on the Android version but when we switch back to iOS improvements this will be in the queue!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to help make Verses better!

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    • Guest commented
      February 29, 2016 19:20

      Awesome!  I'll be patient.  I love Verses -- first thirty minutes of my day, every day!!