Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Collections doesn't work at all

The collections feature it a great idea but it just doesn't work. I've added verses to collections and they don't save. I've added verses to collections that saved and then just randomly disappeared. I've deleted whole collections numerous times but they still appear in my collections. I've invited a friend so we can do a collection together and it didn't work. So basically the feature doesn't function at all. 

I really love the idea of collections though. Please fix it. 


Also could you make it possible to swipe and delete a collection, or maybe put an edit button in. At the moment the only way to delete a collection is to add a verse (tricky at the moment) and then go into the collection and delete it. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 9 2017
  • Idea already exists
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    • Guest commented
      November 29, 2019 07:24
      It works for me but sometimes it takes a few minutes to refresh. Try restarting the app or wait until the collections are updated.
    • Guest commented
      July 13, 2017 14:19

      Commented on other requests for this some time ago - can't add verses to my collections, can't delete mine or permafrost collections from "my collections" ... looking forward to a fix as will make app much more user friendly :)

    • J R commented
      July 06, 2017 15:19

      Yes, I agree. The collections forget your passages and it's impossible to truly delete them. This makes the app very frustrating to use. Please fix!

    • Philip Parrish commented
      June 29, 2017 05:12

      My problem is that it isn't letting me add a verse to the collection.

    • Philip Parrish commented
      June 29, 2017 05:10

      The major reason I got this app was for the ability to memorize with friends that the Collections feature provides. I will be very sad if this bug doesn't get fixed.

    • Jessica Powell commented
      June 13, 2017 13:12

      I've sent multiple emails about how Collections don't work starting months ago! I never get a response to any of them though.