Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Bring back old niv

ive been working hard on memorizing several verses through this app via the niv '84 translation that you had. It's really frustrating to come back to the app to find that the translation I've been working on has been changed. I really prefer the niv '84 as a translation anyway.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2016
  • Will not implement
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    • Guest commented
      December 02, 2016 03:21

      This is actually impossible because it's a publisher issue. Zondervan decided to pull the NIV 84 out of circulation and essentially eradicate it. If you are using a divice or app that is offering the NIV 84, they are doing so without Zondervans permission. Perhaps illegally. No idea why Zondervan did it. NIV 84 was a fine translation. This new one is not. Probably has to do with $$$ :/

    • Diana Nichols commented
      February 28, 2016 19:50

      Very frustrating!  Please give us what we started with. 

    • Guest commented
      February 28, 2016 18:57

      I completely agree. My app updated on its own and now all my verses are different. If you cannot bring back the old version can you reimburse me for my initial purchase?