Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit VER-I-410 Spaced Repetition and Review Scheduling Engine.

A feature that offers a scripture memory plan. Has you go over a specific one each day, or allows you to set goals. Merged

I need accountability, more than just having an app on my phone. It would help to be reminded each day. Or say I want to memorize Romans 12, it has me memorize a new verse each day.

  • Guest
  • Jan 18 2016
  • Planned
  • Feb 1, 2016

    Admin response

    Hello! Thank you for using Verses and taking the time to share this idea.

    We completely agree with you on this. It's going to be a big task, but we are planning to build a sort of "memorization assistant" that does exactly what you just described.

    Others have requested the same thing so I've merged your feature request into theirs.

    Stay tuned!