Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Format poetry as poetry, not prose.

Suppressing the poetry verses make the memorization more difficult. It would be great if the poetry looked just the same as regular text.

  • Jerod Harper
  • Aug 26 2015
  • Planned
  • Attach files
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    • Brad Beyenhof commented
      September 25, 2018 15:48

      My VER-I-926 idea was closed as "Idea already exists," but what I was suggesting seems to be the exact opposite of what's listed here. I would really like to be able to see poetry with line breaks & indentation, not just like regular text.

      Maybe there could be a toggle?

    • Jerod Harper commented
      September 24, 2015 19:33

      Yes. Thanks! You guys are doing great work. I am thankful for this app and I have gotten many others to start using it. I just got a job as a Family Pastor and I am going to try and get our youth to start using it. 

    • Admin
      Brock Klein commented
      September 24, 2015 17:39


      Ah, we might be misunderstanding each other.

      I understood your original idea suggestion "format poetry as poetry, not prose" to mean "format poetry differently than all other text by including indentations". 

      I see now that your description makes it very clear that you were thinking "It would be great if the poetry looked just the same as regular text."

      Our plan is to return to how we had it originally designed, with poetry looking just like regular text.

      That fits with your suggestion, correct?

    • Jerod Harper commented
      September 24, 2015 01:20


      Mine is still suppressed. For instance Proverbs 6:16-19 show up as follows in the reorder game.

      There are six things that the Lord hates,

                 seven that are an abomination to 

      him; haughty...

    • Admin
      Brock Klein commented
      September 24, 2015 00:31


      You may have noticed we allowed poetry formatting to come through in the app starting with our last update at the end of June.

      Have you had a chance to memorize some poetry with the adjustment?

      Our current leaning is to return to a standard format for all text types, but to consider adding a memorization flow designed especially for poetry.

      If so, what do you think?