Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit VER-I-39 Reminders/Notifications.

Add a reminder system Merged

Another user mentioned decreasing your score over time if you have not reviewed a verse which I agree with. It would also be nice to have a reminder saying "hey you haven't looked at this one in awhile" or to set daily reminders for specific verses and be able to turn off the reminders if need be.

  • Guest
  • Feb 9 2016
  • Idea already exists
  • Feb 9, 2016

    Admin response


    Thank you for using Verses and taking the time to share your feedback!

    We completely agree with you on this one. We're actually adding a basic reminders system in our next update. Eventually, though, we have some fun plans for "smart reminders" that intelligently remind you based on when you normally use Verses and what passages you're working to learn.

    (Also, FYI, currently your health does decrease over time. After 7 days since you last reviewed a passage the health will begin going down. When we add smart reminders the health decrease will also get smart, too. It will learn how long you normally remember passages and help you spend your time reviewing most effectively.)

    Thanks again for using Verses, please don't hesitate to send any other suggestions our way!