Ideas for Verses

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Double dashes prevent finishing Type Out in NIV


Tom Kent
Verses Support

Follow Verses to stay up to date on new features, tips, memorization
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On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 10:41 AM, wrote:

> It looks like it may be a universal bug in the NIV. I just found another
> verse, John 1:12 (or John 1:12-13) that has the problem. It goes "...he
> gave the right to become children of God-- children born not..." Verse 12
> ends after "God-- " and regardless of whether you try and type out 12 alone
> or 12 and then on to 13 you cannot get past the "-- ". From what little I
> know if code it looks like it is indeed when you have a double hyphen
> followed by a space that it cannot compute. If the developers target that
> bug instead of the Ephesians 2:8-9 specifically, they may be able to fix
> them all.
> Just thought I'd pass it on if it's helpful. Love the app!
> On Aug 28, 2015, at 5:44 PM, Verses wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for using Verses! I'm sorry to hear you're having difficulty.
> I have confirmed your bug report that it's impossible to complete this
> verse in Type Out in the NIV. From initial observations, I'm not sure why
> this is happening; it's possible that there's something different about the
> punctuation following "God" than there was earlier in the passage. I have
> passed your report on to our developers for them to investigate and fix.
> Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and we apologize for the
> inconvenience.
> Take care,
> Tom Kent
> Verses Support
> Follow Verses to stay up to date on new features, tips, memorization
> strategies, and more!
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 11:00 PM, wrote:
>> It is impossible to type out this verse. You get to "and this not from
>> yourselves, it is the gift from God--" then it won't do anything else. It
>> may be that there is a space after the -- in that part but in every other
>> passage there isn't a space. The type out can't interpret the n for "not by
>> works" and also can't compute the space that comes before it. You will get
>> it wrong if you type anything other than a space or an n but if you type
>> those it simply freezes.
>> I am using the NIV.
>> Thanks
>> Love the app!
>> Using Verses v2.0 (What would help most?)

  • Guest
  • Aug 29 2015
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  • Ivan Olin commented
    8 Jan, 2016 06:30am

    Also the same thing happens in Colossians 1:4 with the hyphen. Can't fill in word blank or type out beyond it. 

    Thanks! Love the app!

  • Guest commented
    1 Jan, 2016 01:00am

    Thanks Brock!

  • Admin
    Brock Klein commented
    31 Dec, 2015 09:05pm

    Jeff, thanks for the heads up. The last update conflicted with some changes that Apple made to iOS right at the same time. Were working to sort them out and get everything back into top shape.

  • Guest commented
    29 Dec, 2015 04:42am

    Also Galatians 2:4 in ESV. I didn't used to have this problem with these verses, but now it's there.

  • Guest commented
    28 Dec, 2015 04:05am

    Romans 5:12 in the ESV has the same issue.