Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Psalm 119 section titles (ALEPH, BETH, etc.) come at the end of the verse from the preceding section instead of the beginning of the first verse of the successive section (KJV)


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It appears that different copies
of the KJV text handle this issue in different ways--at,
for example, the alphabetic labels are not present in the text at all. This
looks like an issue that we will have to confront and deal with manually. I
will bring it up with our team and we may be able to manually move these
portions of the Psalms into their appropriate places. If we do so, we will
note the change in the notes section for any updates that appear in the app

As you mentioned, we hope you can find Verses useful for other portions of
the biblical text that are not quite as confusing. Keep memorizing!

Take care,

Tom Kent
Verses Support

Follow Verses to stay up to date on new features, tips, memorization
strategies, and more!

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 12:13 AM, Elizabeth Walden

> Hello Mr. Kent,
> I was using the KJV. So far the only problem I saw was with the
> "Alphabetic" portion of Psalm 119, but, I did not look at many verses.
> Since I memorized Psalm 119 in 8 verse portions each beginning with Aleph,
> Beth, and so on I was afraid that using Verses would confuse me to no end
> so I quit using it. Since Verses sorts based on verse numbers it would
> place Beth at the end of verse 8 since the "letter" portions of Psalm 119
> really do not have a verse number associated with them.
> The app I currently use allows editing of verses so I "fixed" the problem
> with Psalm 119 by adding each of the letters. However, Verses seems to be
> a superior way of learning new verses. Maybe I will use my old app for
> reviewing what I already have memorized and use Verses for any new verses I
> memorize. Thanx for your response and have a great day,
> Beth
> On Jul 23, 2015, at 11:41 PM, Verses wrote:
> Beth,
> Thank you for using Verses! I'm sorry for the delay in responding to your
> message. We have been moving offices this past week and it has disrupted
> our normal workflow.
> What translation are you using? And is Verses displaying text that is
> different from another copy of the same translation? I know what you're
> referring to with Aleph and Beth, but the app sorts purely based on verse
> numbers. If there is something going wrong with Psalm 119 we'd like to
> track it down and fix it.
> Thanks for taking the time to contact us!
> Tom Kent
> Verses Support
> Follow Verses to stay up to date on new features, tips, memorization
> strategies, and more!
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Elizabeth Walden
> wrote:
>> Looks like a good app. Nice options to help memorize at all levels.
>> Using Verses v2.0 (What would help most?
>> Psalm 119 should begin with Aleph. And verse 8 should not end with Beth
>> because Beth should be the first word of verse nine. And so on for the rest
>> of the chapter.
>> Thanx. Beth

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