Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Vibrate on mistake should also work when your phone is on silent

i have to keep my iphone off silent when using the type out game. Otherwise i cant get the vibration feedback and it messes me up. We do prayer time in the mornings, i work on verses for a portion of this time, but it iterupts people if I get a txt msg during this time because my phone is not silenced.

Thank you for considering this.

  • Andrew Wineinger
  • Mar 7 2024
  • In review
  • Attach files
  • Kelley Tuck commented
    27 Mar 01:05

    Do you have your phone set to vibrate in silent mode. My iPhone 12 works in silent mode with the verses app perfectly, so maybe it’s an issue with your OS or a setting in it.