Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

speak/type the verse before allowing user to open time-wasting apps

Many of us (myself included) waste an incredible amount of time on our phones (video games, web surfing, facebook, insta, etc.). What if Verses added a capability of requiring the user to type or speak specific user-selected verses before being able to proceed with opening a particular app? For example, every time I click the Facebook app, the Verses app would first require me to state Ps. 19:14 or Eph 4:29. Or I struggle with lust while on Insta, Verses would require me to recite 1 Cor 6:12-20 before I'm allowed to open the app.

  • Logan Kendrick
  • Nov 16 2017
  • In review
  • Attach files