Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Growth/Discipleship/Small Group Accountability

I wish I could memorize verses with my small group, like if the leader assigns a verse for us all to memorize. I would love to be able to see the progress of others in my small group and for them to see my progress - for accountability and encouragement. It would also be fun to have a "let's memorize this verse together" option for just one or two people to take up together!

  • Jen Hook
  • Jul 8 2015
  • Idea already exists
  • Jul 9, 2015

    Admin response

    Jen, good news, this actually already exists! If you create a Collection then you can use the "Invite / Share" button to invite others to join in! Here's what it looks like working on passages with just one other person. 

    You can add up to 20 passages and invite up to 10 people to a single collection (the limitation is based on technical restraints - once we overcome them we plan to significantly increase those limits).

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