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On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 6:05 PM, Deb wrote:
I a loving this app. I can't go to sleep without it nor start my day without it! Great job!
I have a few dream features if you ever get to extra time on your hands.
1) make I easy to select a whole chapter to memorize without having to select a very single verse
2) instead of circles with the verse number actually show the verse number and verse text
3) the making of a collection presently sometimes takes and more often does not
4) make the addition of verses to a collection easier. Eg, I may memorize chapter one and two as two different selections but I am interested in joining them together once they are better known until it is a whole book. So if we could join verse selections to each other.
5) a sort not only by recent health and progress but also alphabetically or as the books appear in the bible.
Well, that is all for now.
Thank you so for making this available!
5*s all the way!!