Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Translation Request: NIV

Is there anyway to get NIV or be able to type it in... Our school uses NIV and this would be an excellent tool to use! 

Dawn Vidoni

  • Guest
  • Feb 17 2015
  • Shipped
  • Feb 1, 2016

    Admin response

    We're working hard to include as many versions in Verses as possible!  If you would like to see the NIV in Verses, please vote here to help us as we work with Biblica, the copyright holders of the NIV, to get permission to include it in Verses!

    UPDATE: as of Verses 3.0 released June 30, 2015 we now include the NIV!

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    • Guest commented
      June 29, 2016 01:58

      PLEASE NIV1984. I was so excited for this app until I realized it didn't have NIV1984. Unfortunately I won't use this app until I can use that version. But I would pay like $10 for it.

    • Guest commented
      June 27, 2016 05:25


    • Edward Jackson commented
      February 25, 2016 13:42

      I bought the NIV. It was the 84 version and I started memorizing Philippians and was halfway through. Then all of a sudden the app switched to the current NIV. Now all my review is messed up because they don't match. I want my 84 version back or my money. ScriptureTyper app supports both versions. 

    • Admin
      Brock Klein commented
      February 01, 2016 21:31

      Logan, thanks for taking the time to share your request! Unfortunately Biblica, the NIV publisher, no longer issues licenses for the NIV84. :( We will have to use the NIV 2011 unless they begin issuing NIV84 licenses again.

    • Logan Kendrick commented
      January 30, 2016 16:07

      NIV84 please!!!

    • Chris Taylor commented
      July 08, 2015 22:04

      This should be marked as Shipped or Already Exists now that NIV is in the app.

    • Guest commented
      June 17, 2015 23:56

      Would really like to be able to use NIV when I am memorizing in verses.

    • Guest commented
      June 08, 2015 01:01

      NIV please - the reality is that it's the text I use and the app is kind of unhelpful if I'm working on a different version


    • Guest commented
      April 07, 2015 12:32

      Include verse citation is a must