Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Use OpenAI Whisper for Speak It

OpenAI's new Whisper tool could significantly enhance the "Speak It" function. The current function does not work well enough to be useable at all right now.

Additionally, instead of a boolean match word for word, perhaps a "smarter" matching algorithm could be used.

  • Guest
  • Dec 4 2023
  • In review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    30 Apr 10:47am

    Yes, PLEASE PLEASE update this feature. If I were able to recite my verses (rather than having to use the type it out feature) it would significantly reduce my review time, and would allow me to be able to practice verses while walking, driving, etc.

    Having a reliable speak feature would significantly enhance the value of this app.

  • Guest commented
    27 Feb 05:07am

    take the listen feature off. I can’t complete verses anymore because it doesn’t understand the words I’m saying.

  • Guest commented
    2 Jan 04:22pm

    Yes!! I couldn’t figure out what the problem was when I was using speak it feature. It kept saying that I was wrong so I finally opened my Bible and read it Word for Word from the KJV Bible and it still said that I was wrong. I’ve spoken slowly, but that does not matter. The listen feature does not work.