Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Add the Donation button

I love this app so much !! The app idea, the design and features, everything!! My life has actually been improved by the app as I improved my memory and my resilience to negative emotions...

I hope that we can all enjoy a Donation button so that we can all support the app with a little bit of our efforts. Donation is different from purchase or subscription. it's completely based on our will to make the app better.. I really hope that the app can add the button of Donation and let someone support the app with money.


I think the donation can be one-off or continual. and it can have a number of tiers like 0.99, 2.99, 4.99, 9.99, 19.99, etc... The app has to sustain and breathe, only by actual help from people.. We cannot ask for free stuff every time because we want the things to be good ... 


Thank you very much for considering my idea!

  • Edwin S
  • Aug 19 2019
  • In review
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