Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Sections for browsing books

From: Terry Haines 

Date: Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: Collections and other comments.
To: Verses

Okay, as long as I am talking about the cosmetics of the Bible look-up,
here is an extended suggestion.
Put seven colors on the left side of the home display and each color will
pull up a menu with Bible sections in it, where you could quickly finger
through from the section, to the book, to the chapter, then to the verse.
Let me describe it further with some details. On the left side could be the
colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet in a strip
going from top to bottom. The red would open with the title Pentateuch and
underneath would open Genesis through Deuteronomy, which if you touch would
open to the chapters then the verses. For orange, open with the title Old
Testament History, and display Joshua to Esther underneath, then chapters
and verses. Yellow = Wisdom Literature, Job through Song of Solomon. Green
= Major Prophets, Jeremiah through Daniel. Blue = Minor Prophets, Hosea
through Malachi. Indigo = New Testament History, Matthew through Acts.
Violet = New Testament Doctrine, Romans through Revelation.
Once people got used to this format they may have a strong liking to it as
they could look up any passage in about three seconds. They may end up
using this app as their church and Bible study Bible. The verses to
memorize could be highlighted somehow, then processed how you now have it
being done.
Think about it.

Sent from my iPhone

Using Verses v2.0 

  • Guest
  • Apr 10 2015
  • Will not implement
  • Apr 10, 2015

    Admin response


    Thank you for taking the time to write a detailed suggestion, that is very helpful.

    A few apps, particularly study apps, do a good job sectioning off different groups of books in the Bible for faster browsing. Our current design principles don't quite allow for that yet (though we are adding search in our next release in the coming weeks).

    That being said, later this year we will be releasing topical collections curated by teachers, pastors, and professors that will provide carefully curated topical lists of passages to memorize. Eventually we hope to build up a bit of a contextual "mapping" of themes throughout Scripture (something like a concordance of sorts) that can help users see themes of the Bible throughout all 66 books.

    Please send any other suggestions that come to mind. We'd love for some will make it into the product!


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