Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Tap to expand undo

The tap to expand feature has caused me so much grief as I have accidently touched the verse before what I was trying to memorize,which didn't go with the theme of what I was learning. I then have not been able to figure out how to undo this and have tried recreating the verse to no avail. I can't get any of the games right anymore unless I memorize this verse which isn't bad but is not helpful with what I am currently studying out and learning in my quiet times. 


I think there should be an undo option or maybe just touching the bolder scripture you didn't intend to memorize to unadd. This would make life so much easier 

  • Guest
  • Dec 31 2016
  • Idea already exists
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    • Guest commented
      March 10, 2018 16:27

      Yes!!! Tap to add, tap to remove. How easy that would be!! 

    • +1