Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Ability to rank verses you want to memorize

While seeing the recent, progress, and health of my verses is helpful, another idea would be to rank or prioritize the order of verses I want to memorize.  I may add 3 or 4 sets of verses but only want to focus on one and move on to the next one when I complete the first.  Allowing me to rank my verses gives me a scripture memory plan and would be especially helpful for memorizing longer sections such as entire chapters or an entire Psalm.

  • OJ Harvey
  • Mar 8 2016
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • OJ Harvey commented
    16 Aug, 2018 03:45pm

    This has been planned for some time.  Will this ever get implemented?

  • Guest commented
    12 Mar, 2016 05:52pm

    I have a collection that I use for that purpose.  When I come across a passage to memorize, I put it in that collection.  When I have a passage "down" I remove it from that collection & review it periodically in My Verses.  Or if I want to memorize an entire chapter, I'll make a collection just for that chapter and put the verses into it usually 2 at a time.  (Psalm 23:1-2, Psalm 23:3-4, etc.)  


    Maybe that could help, although you can't currently prioritize within a collection -- they are automatically sorted into the order they appear in Scripture.