Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Include Greek and Hebrew bible options for those wishing to memorize in the original language (NA28/BHS).

This would be helpful for those fluent in Greek and Hebrew who wish to memorize in the original languages. If you added this feature, you would be the only app that offers such a helpful way to memorize Greek and Hebrew texts. I recommend the text of the nestle-Åland 28 for the New Testament and bibles Hebraica suttgartensia (Leningrad codex) for the Old Testament.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2016
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Jessica Sun commented
    30 Sep, 2016 05:05am

    I second the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia! Please also make the Textus Receptus available!

  • Guest commented
    13 Apr, 2016 05:23pm

    Logos software offers memorization of any version of the Bible that is in your library.