Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

A Heat Map for frequently missed words for "Type Out"

  • Rick Austin
  • Feb 8 2016
  • Idea already exists
  • Feb 9, 2016

    Admin response


    Thank you for using Verses and sharing your suggestion!

    Great idea. I modified the title for you and marked this as an enhancement idea for Type Out. Solid suggestion for helping folks improve their accuracy on trouble spots. 

    Thanks for taking the time to give feedback!

  • Attach files
  • Rick Austin commented
    8 Feb, 2016 09:08pm

    A heat map of frequently missed words would be a great addition for "Type Out.". It can be very difficult at times to correct a word that has gotten fixed in memory. A heat map provides a warning that I got this word wrong before and rather than reentering that wrong word which reinforces it, I can pause and enter the correct word which reinforces it instead. Conjunctions such as but and also are particularly hard to remember and I hate stepping into the same hole, time and time again and getting dinged for it. (Note: I can't edit the title of this idea.)