Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

re-adding collection features that are now removed

the update to the collections seems to have made it significantly worse than it was. I like that the whole titles can now be displayed, but removing the ability to see the category health & number of verses without having to go into each collection is a major flaw in my opinion. it's a hassle to have to go into every single collection just to check on its health status. also, the update reversed the order of my collections, so they're all backwards now. I would definitely recommend going back to showing the verse health & number of verses again. I'm not sure that I'll be able to, but I'm going to try to go back & reinstall the previous version of the app for now.

  • Guest
  • Dec 11 2015
  • Planned
  • Dec 11, 2015

    Admin response

    Hey Caleb,

    Yes, we agree re: being able to see the progress/health, number of passages, and number of friends in a collection with you is a must have. 

    This update for collections is a step toward our long term goal of a more advanced learning/review scheduling engine that, when coupled with Discover, will help folks go through the whole process of picking what to learn and then working toward it.

    In the meantime, I'm very sorry for the inconveniences!! I'm right there with you re: not liking having to go into a collection just to see its progress/health. Re-adding it is one of the first steps toward that new learning/review engine.

    As always, thanks for your great suggestions!


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  • Ryan commented
    10 Feb, 2016 11:00am

    The current collection box size takes up way too much screen space for a mobile device... even if they were to contain the progress/health circle. Not able to quickly find the collection I want as well. Added function of sorting the collections alphabetically (or manually dragging and sorting ourselves based on current collection we are working on) would help.