Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Scrolling not working in Tap to Reveal


Thank you for using Verses! I'm sorry to hear you're having difficulty.

We've been getting a few reports of this bug, and it seems to be caused by
one of the most recent iOS updates in combination with certain devices.
We're working on a fix and hope to release it soon.


Tom Kent
Verses Support

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On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Oj Harvey wrote:

> When viewing a tap to reveal set of verses today when I get to verse 4 in
> Psalm 62 (1-12) it cuts off the words that I cannot view all of them. I
> closed and restarted the app and it does it every time.
> iOS9 - Ipad Air
> Best regards,
> OJ

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  • Nov 3 2015
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