Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Reset progress on a passage

I want to be able to delete previous progress. 

  • Guest
  • Jul 8 2015
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    31 Jan, 2020 07:12pm

    This is a great idea!  It’s like resetting the mileage button in a car - you naturally want to gauge progress at different times!  

  • Admin
    Brock Klein commented
    9 Jul, 2015 07:05pm

    Just so we're clear on what you're requesting - when you say "delete previous progress" are you thinking about completely eradicating previous progress such that it does not even show up in the reference browsing? If so, I tend to agree. I have added this to our "serious consideration" list for future improvements.

    As an aside, you can remove passages from your My Verses list by going into My Verses and hitting Edit on the top right. Then you can tap the red circle to take passages off your list.