Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Promo Code option

Add an option for church members to input promo codes that get them prepaid ESV or NIV versions by their church or other benefactor. This would allow churches to promote the use of this app alongside existing scripture memory programs with the option to incentivize people with "no-cost-to-them" use.Pr

  • Guest
  • Jul 8 2015
  • Planned
  • Jul 9, 2015

    Admin response


    We're right with you on this one. Right now the infrastructure that powers the in-app purchase is 100% powered by Apple. And, unfortunately, they do not provide any way for us to offer promo codes or bulk sales of in-app purchases. Just to make sure I contacted our rep at Apple's Volume Purchasing Program today and he confirmed that they have no provisions for large scale sale (or discounting) of in app purchases. All of which is very frustrating.

    That being said, we very much want to work towards supporting larger scale deployments of Verses because it does work so well in a church environment (memorization accompaniment to sermon series, small groups, Sunday school) and school settings.

    We may end up building a web front end that allows a church or a school to purchase and distribute full copies of Verses, or maybe copies that can unlock one translation for free.

    Thanks for taking the time to mention this, it helps us to know if/how much demand there is for a feature before we spend too much time working on it.

    Please feel free to add any more thoughts if they come to mind.


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  • Anton Baylon commented
    2 Feb, 2016 11:02pm

    Maybe via the "gift" option in App Store?