Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Wordbank displays duplicate words and does not accept all of them as correct even when that particular word is the right word

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Sharon Barnhart wrote:

I like your app, but would like to report a problem: Isaiah 41:9 has the word "thee" many times in the KJV version and when I was filling in the blanks the "Word Bank 4", I chose the word correctly but there was more than one "thee" to choose from and told me I was incorrect.

I am still hoping you can get the NKJV, as I prefer it. Thanks again for creating such a great app. I hope you can resolve this problem.

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  • Jun 18 2015
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  • Dawn Boscacci commented
    10 Sep, 2019 12:57am

    Won’t accept correct word and marks as wrong