Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

If your thumb hits a letter next to the letter the one you intend for the type it out, the keyboard should consider allowing for the letter you intended to be the letter.

I have pretty big thumbs so I accidentally hit the letter next to the letter I intend ALL the time. It can become frustrating and a little discouraging that this makes it seem as if I don’t know the verse. Having this grace would help me to be able to practice more verses because I won’t have to go back a slowly and methodically try to click the exact letter with a lot of caution which will help me practice more verses overall!

  • Guest
  • Jun 17 2024
  • In review
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  • Micah Coker commented
    26 Jul 04:54pm

    thanks dude…I have this Problem too, I would enjoy that addition.