Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Add “Restart” in addition to “Finish” button

As a user, I would like the ability to restart the exercise instead of going back to the menu after clicking “Finish” to choose the same exercise again.

This will allow me to do things:

  1. Repeat the exercise that I finished with one click instead of two.

  2. Restart the exercise in the middle if I got something wrong and would like to restart it.

  • Guest
  • Mar 18 2023
  • In review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    27 Mar, 2023 12:27pm

    partner with the YouVersion Bible app so thatmemorized scripture shows up and is tracked within that app. Make it so in that app when you highlight a verse in addition to the choices that are already there like, copy, image, notes, etc there is also a choice for memorize the when you click it your app will launch. Also make the games more colorful and add sound effect… look into making the word choice like some language study apps and typing apps that are fun where balloons are floating and poping as you choose them etc maybe since verse memorization is helping us grow it could be flowers and when you pick correctly a new petal appears or the flower grows etc. this will make the game more fun for kids and adults.