Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Bible Translation: NET


Thank you for using Verses!

Adding new versions is one of our top priorities currently. Unfortunately,
for many versions, the process to get permission to use a translation can
take some time. We have to approach each organization that owns the rights
to the version and request permission to use their copyright.

I have recorded your feedback about the NET version and added it to our
idea list at .We have created this page to
track all of our suggestions and feedback.Your idea won't show up right
away, but should appear in a couple of days. Please check it out and vote
on ideas that you like, or submit any of your own!

Thank you for taking the time to contact us!

Tom Kent
Verses Support

Follow Verses to stay up to date on new features, tips, memorization
strategies, and more!

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 9:20 PM, Andy Alexander <> wrote:

> If/when you add more versions, I would love to see the NET.
> Thanks.
> Using Verses v2.0
> Sent from my iPhone

  • Guest
  • Apr 27 2015
  • In review
  • Attach files
  • Joshua Eldridge commented
    20 Jun 05:28pm

    the NET was created because they wanted to offer a royalty free Bible that would not require getting permissions I believe. So this should be similar to using the KJV!

  • Guest commented
    29 Nov, 2016 01:46pm

    The NET translation is freely available online.