Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Have the option to go directly to word bank level 3 or 4 instead of needing to work up each session.

Once I have gone though the word bank levels 1 and 2, i would like to be able to start a session and go directly to level 3 or 4.  This is an incredible app!!!  

  • Guest
  • Jan 20 2020
  • In review
  • Attach files
  • Sara Hanan commented
    15 Jul, 2020 05:45pm

    Thank you Matthew Ball!!!

  • Matthew Ball commented
    27 May, 2020 04:07pm

    you already can, just press and hold on Word Bank and select your level.

  • Guest commented
    30 Apr, 2020 02:49am

    I agree with being able to repeat Word Bank 3&4 without repeating 1&2 every time.

  • Sara Hanan commented
    22 Mar, 2020 05:53pm

    I wish I could vote for this multiple times. I love Word Bank, but it can be a little frustrating having to work through every level again and again, particularly for longer passages (I’m working on the Beatitudes right now).