Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Type out mode first letter 3 chances

If you are typing out the verse with the first letter of each word (awesome feature by the way) and you mess up the next word, you should only get 3 chances then provide the word and color it red.  I got stuck on a verse (forgot the word because) and tried all sorts of letters of first word that I thought would fit then gave up & decided to go through the alphabet and it came up. My only alternative was to back out and start over which I didn’t want to do because I was pretty sure that I would get all the other words correct. 

  • Christen Parsons
  • Apr 9 2019
  • In review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    19 Apr, 2019 04:07pm

    Strange... this should be what happens already. Sometimes when I get stuck I just hit the same key over and over until the word appears, you shouldn’t have to go through the alphabet. Might be a bug?