Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Instead of requiring a yearly subscription to unlock all features, it’ll be good to have a one-time payment to unlock specific translations. I generally do not do subscriptions. One-time purchases are preferred.

  • Guest
  • Jan 5 2019
  • In review
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  • Tony Hollick commented
    27 Jul, 2020 01:27am

    This is the only reason I haven't paid... the ONLY reason. I'll pay $5 for the NIV version (NKJV preferred) but I'm not entering into an annual subscription because of bad experiences in the past.

  • Guest commented
    29 Jun, 2019 11:17pm

    A family plan would be a welcome addition.  The $10 a year for the Pro version is a great bargain, but with me, my wife, and 5 kids, that adds up quickly.  $70 would be a big chunk all at once every year.

  • Caroline Foote commented
    9 Feb, 2019 04:13pm

    I just can’t believe you would need us to pay every year to use this. I love the app but have the hardest time deciding to pay the fee since I know it will be a recurring fee each year if I want to use it. And not only for me but for each member of my family. I would love it if there were a one time fee for a certain version.

  • Guest commented
    8 Feb, 2019 12:38pm

    Developers need to feed their families. For an app like Verses – a utility you use daily or weekly to truly enrich your life – spending less than 50 cents a month ($5 a year) is a bargain and a wise investment. 

  • Guest commented
    5 Jan, 2019 01:39am

    Yeah I agree. I actually just deleted the app because of their switch to subscriptions.