Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Ability to assign a different translation to each verse.

I memorize Scripture in 4 translations (ESV, KJV, NASB, and NIV) and it would be great to be able to assign a different translation to specific verses or passages. Sometimes I like the rendering better in one translation so I memorize that version instead of my primary (ESV). 


Right row im primarily using Scripture Typer but Verses is much sleeker and organized. I really want to move all of my verse memory to this program and get my church on it as well! 

  • Guest
  • Apr 11 2015
  • Shipped
  • Apr 11, 2015

    Admin response

    Bart - we definitively want to add this feature! It's pretty complicated due to how our data structure is designed, but we recognize that many folks like to use different translations for different passages (e.g., KJV for Psalms). I can't say when we'll be able to launch that feature - but you were automatically subscribed to this idea submission when you added it so you'll be notified when it goes into development. 

    As for additional translations, you may have noticed if you read some of the translation requests in our ideas list, it's a bit of challenge to get permissions from the copyright holders of each translation. That being said, we are actively working on NASB so stay tuned. The NIV and NKJV have been a little harder to secure permissions for, but we haven't given up!