Ideas for Verses

We need your help to make Verses even better!

Statistics and achievements

I'm a guy who likes to see how much I've completed overall. The circle visuals in Verse are great, but sometimes I want to see some hard numbers. I think it would be great to have a statistics page. It would simply keep track of what you've done and tell you about it. It would look like this:

Total number of verses memorized: 253

Percentage of Bible memorized: 1.09%

Longest passage memorized: 61 verses

Total Time spent on app: 15 hours 11 mins

Total games played: 801

Time spent this past week: 3 hours 56 mins

Games played this past week: 140

Time spent today: 44 mins

Games played today: 23

Then you could have stats connected with each of the different games specifically. How many times you've played it. How many correct answers you've made, how many errors, what your percentage of correct answers is, etc.


Next I think it would be great to have achievements you are awarded. For instance here are a few:

Congratulations! You've memorized 5 total verses (then 10 total, 50 total, 100, 150, etc.)

Congratulations! You have memorized an entire chapter! (3 chapters, 10 chapters, etc.)

Congratulations! You have memorized an entire book (3 books, 5 books, etc.)

Congratulations! You have memorized at least one verse from 5 different books of the Bible (10 books, 20, 30, etc.)

Congratulations! You have played 500 games (1000 games, 1500, etc.)

Congratulations! You have spent 100 minutes on Verses memorizing scripture (250 mins. etc)

Congratulations! you have memorized 1% of the Bible (3%, 5%, etc.)

There's plenty of more ideas that could be implemented. And what's important is that we're able to see how close we are to reaching the next achievement by having an achievements page we can keep track of. For instance if I'm about to quit using the app, but then I see that I've memorized 98 verses and by memorizing two more I can unlock an achievement. I go back and memorize 2 more verses to reach the achievement.

It's not necessary for these achievements to give you any prizes or unlockables, but perhaps we can share these achievements on social media. An Instagram post that says "I've memorized 3 chapters from the Bible using Verses" would be a great achievement to share.

  • Guest
  • Jan 29 2018
  • In review
  • Attach files
  • Valerie Wininger commented
    13 Dec 13:44

    I can’t figure out how to vote, but I came here to suggest this exact idea!

  • Guest commented
    March 13, 2018 10:34

    You guys have a Great app! Sounds or a “great job”  or a burst of confetti when you memorize a verse would be encouraging & helpful!